Changing hearts and minds

We use data and the science of behaviour change to build valuable insights and advice, which deliver award winning campaigns.  We believe in campaigns that make change happen so we're outcomes focused. We work in collaboration with stakeholders, communities and our public sector partners to save lives, deliver economic growth, support the education ecosystems and build safer communities.

Key people

Anne Clarke
Chief executive, public sector

Anne Clarke

Headshot of Andrew Barratt
Chief executive, creative technology

Andrew Barratt

Megan Butler
Chief strategy officer

Megan Butler

Paul Dalton Borge AUG24

Paul Dalton-Borge

Headshot of Bleddyn Edwards
Director, creative & content

Bleddyn Edwards

Ghali Houri
Managing director, Government

Ghali Houri

Hattie Kirchner
Managing director, creative & marketing

Hattie Kirchner

Kelly Smith
Chief executive, health

Kelly Smith

Headshot of Amelia Stevens
Managing director

Amelia Stevens